
LEIA - Leather Goods Training


Leather goods are a traditional sector related to fashion, which covers the production of a wide range of products such as all kinds of bags, suitcases and other travel goods, small items such as wallets, belts, watch straps, etc.
The project involves the design, development and piloting of a new profile and opportunities for ICT training and on-the-job training, combined with actions for the mobility of trainers / students in line with the actual needs of companies and their implementation at European and national level, stimulating the development of the sector. upgrading the skills of the workforce, encouraging the entrepreneurship of new talented designers and developing a new generation of highly qualified leather goods manufacturers focused on high-quality products, in order to strengthen the production of high-quality leather goods in Europe.

With this application, you will train your skills in the leather industry. Augmented reality game with 9 tasks.